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The following are some suggestions of smells that may not make in to the next century. These suggestions will be used in determining the composition of memory perfume in a Survival Kit produced by Susan Cohn. Suggestions were made by visitors in a book that was part of her installation. They are in order of writing.

  1. Cigarette smoke
  2. The new LP vinyl record
  3. Diesel
  4. Photographic fixer
  5. Paper money
  6. Bad breath
  7. BO
  8. Asbestos
  9. Rotting fish
  10. Nothingness
  11. Snow Pollution
  12. Perfumes
  13. Mum's cooking
  14. Victory liniment that captured the 1973 Grand Final
  15. Smoke in hair
  16. Lead pencils
  17. Fresh cut grass
  18. Real gardenias
  19. Burnt rubber
  20. Car exhaust
  21. Peaches, brings back image of my grandmother's verandah in summer
  22. Amazon rainforest with frogs and toucans
  23. The skin of my child
  24. Moss and mint growing down the side of the house
  25. Burnt toast
  26. Blue swan ink
  27. Smell
  28. Pencil sharpenings
  29. Loose face powder
  30. Musk sticks
  31. Teen spirit
  32. 4711 eau de toilette
  33. Coal fires
  34. My smell
  35. Typewriting machine
  36. Yeast in South Yarra from breweries
  37. Tea towels, underpants and handkerchiefs being boiled on the stove my mum