
Grindelwald is a imitation Swiss village just outside Launceston. It was established by a Dutch supermarket entrepeneur and has since been settled by real-live Swiss fleeing the nuclear threat during the Cold War.
Yodling of the Tyrolese
And if in time to come Swiss chalets or Norwegian herdmen's huts were to enliven the wild slopes of Tasmanian mountains; of the yodling of the Tyrolese or Bavarian mountaineers were to resound in the Australian Alps; if Frisian farmhouses and Italian masserias were to be the eye on the plains of the Riverine or on the Darling Downs of southern Queensland; if here and there the spire of the Dutch church were to greet us in the country which used to be known as New Holland -- then all this could only enhance the beauty of the Australian landscape and enrich the culture of the Australian people.

Augustin Lodewyckx (1876 - 1964) People For Australia: a study in population problems Melbourne: F. W. Cheshire, 1956, p. 207