Jo Crawford's story

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The lost and found dipper

Feeding the chooks, the after school chore before being free to play. The daily ritual of digging your hands deep into the wheat and letting it run through your fingers, finding the dipper and filling it with wheat. Always the spotted dipper, spotted like a Dalmatian dog. Half the dipper of wheat in one chook pen, half in the other. Then collect the eggs and lay them in the bottom to take inside.

Mum and Dad eventually got rid of all the chooks and the old sheds and with them the spotted dipper so it seemed… my spotted dipper!

The spotted dipper surfaced again when my Parents were moving house. It’s really just an old white enamel pale with big round chunks that have been chipped off over the years, I still think its beautiful. I keep it in my shed now.

  Jo Crawfordİ1998

Page last edited 27/04/03