


Thanks to the tireless scholarship of Melanie Dunstan, several classic works have been recovered of the golden age of Shukkinak literature. Excerpts are available from this site: J. Diddith bold dramas made a radical break with the dry historical romance that had typified Shukkinak literature. He looks beyond the bare historical facts and looks at the life and times of the people. His book, Bleached Bones and Sailcloth, encompasses both a historical overview of the culture and vignettes from daily life.

  • Where Does Anger Go? is Diddith's touching tale about a young boy's initiation into the role of Interlocutor, the figure who bears most responsibility for Shukkinak's involvement in international conflict mediation.

The treatise called 'The Words Of Prasad' is a lengthy document held in the priestly archives. It is a group of teaching stories, full of philosophical wisdom and practical advice, mostly uneeded by the youthful students at which it is aimed, as is shown in some of the stories it contains.

  • Destiny's Wielder daringly places a hero of human dimensions in one of the most sacred positions in Shukkinak hierarchy.

  • A Matter of Honour tells a tragic story of where youth might go astray in a foreign world laced with exotic substances.

Unfortunately unimaginitive, Hopple lives for the adulation of his peers and sifts through the sands of Shukkinak's past in an attempt to make his name famous in the reflected light of a worthy 'find'. He has little store of self-worth, and believes what his critics say of him. He lives for the future find that will put his name firmly on the map of archaeolocal greatness. It may even happen, one day.

  • The Story That Must Not Be Told gained more fame abroad than in Shukkinak. It's humanist critique of priestly sacrifice was disavowed at home as decadent sentimentality.
