


Artist's Talk by Susan Fielder: 7

Tass Wolfe Tass Wolfe's ideas probably sound a little old-fashioned to you now, but then they had that sharp edge I was looking for, the kind of clarity of tone that had attracted me to Hans Teichen. This article argued that the art movement known as minimalism had reached a dead end. If I can quote from her:

You regard the formalist as someone for whom the heights of abstraction offer refuge from the confused business of meaning that is carried out on the ground below. In the spirit of subconscious denial, he attempts to finesse form and content by beckoning your yearning for the spiritual. When this happens once, it is one of the most sublime and enriching experiences imaginable in art. But twice, three times, it becomes a cold business of buying and selling. Art now needs some invigorating tonic that will return us to the experience of contact. Rather than form without content, you need content without form. Come down from the heights.

This kind of writing was fairly unusual for the time. At least that seemed the reason why Tass was sacked from the magazine soon after the publication of the article. I found out later that there was no particular vendetta against her from angry minimalists, but simply a lack of evidence on her part of artists who could be said to embody this `content without form'. In reality, it was an empty category.

'mi-ni-mal-ism' I remember getting my tongue twisted around that one.
