


Artist's Talk by Susan Fielder: 10

Roundabout And then came the roundabout. With stunning simplicity, this device solved the whole problem by transforming the two-way situation of an intersection into a one-way flow. The basic give way to the right rule still applied, but it brought motorists to a common structure, the turntable around which everyone would have their place eventually. The result of this process was that driving around Melbourne today is more of a square dance than a military drill. It's quite beautiful to watch a roundabout in action.

Some of the work that I included in Swings and Roundabouts is actually in this exhibition. There is a series of four paintings based on the master's diagrams of circles and ellipsis. In these my project was to use the ellipse as a basic unit by which to construct geometrical shapes. I wanted to reveal a depth within the shape that was inherently unstable. This is a depth that breaks apart the shape into parts that reverberate along a chain.

The first painting is titled Verstrictsein

I must admit, I did go on a bit here.
I eventually get to Tass Wolfe's exhibition at the Institute of Modern Art, Cairns - 'Swings and Roundabouts'
